25 de novembro de 2009

País: Rússia
Estilo: Power Metal

Na Krayu Vremeni (On the Edge of Time) (1999)

1. Vrata Vremeni [Gates Of Time] 01:03
2. Zvon Monet [Coins Clinging] 04:56
3. Idu Na Svet [Going To The Light] 04:43
4. Vera [Faith] 08:08
5. Bely Sokol [White Falcon] 04:50
6. N.A.S.T.Ya 07:25
7. Menshe Nas [Less Than Us] 05:07
8. V Nevedomoy Strane [In Unknown Country] 04:59
9. Koltso Vsevlastiya [The Ring Of Omnipotence] 05:48
10. Frodo 00:26
11. Na Krayu Vremeni [On The Edge Of Time] 09:30
12. Korolevstvo Slez [Kingdom Of Tears] 05:34
13. Dragonheart 05:23
14. Proschay, Moy Dom [Farewell To My Home] 05:08

Zagadka Volshebnoy Strany (Mystery of the Magic Country) (2001)

1. Cherny Mag [Black Wizard] 06:54
2. Khozhdenye Za Tree Morya [Going Over Three Seas] 05:12
3. Kumir [Idol] 04:47
4. Feanor 09:20
5. Zagadka Volshebnoy Strany [Mystery Of The Magic Country] 05:46
6. Proschanye S Volshebnoy Stranoy [Farewell To The Magic Country] 04:04
7. Feya Moikh Snov [Fairy Of My Dreams] 05:39
8. Ya Molilsya Na Tebya [I prayed for you] 04:50
9. Living In Twilight 04:34

Feniks (1995)

1. Новый день (Novy den') 04:39
2. I Charmed By Eyelashes 04:29
3. Феникс (Fenix) 05:18
4. Вернись (Vernis') 04:37
5. Devil's Dreams 06:27
6. Меньше нас (Menshe nas) 06:39

Volya K Zhizni (Will for Life) (1998)

1. Volya K Zhizni [Will For Life] 06:03
2. Snova Byt' S Toboy [Be With You Again] 05:13
3. Koltso Vsevlastiya [The Ring Of Omnipotence] 05:27
4. Ten' Lubvy [Shadow Of Love] 05:35
5. Novy Den' [New Day] 05:02

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Pikachu Sama disse...

Se gostou comente........


Na Krayu Vremeni (On the Edge of Time) (1999)


Zagadka Volshebnoy Strany (Mystery of the Magic Country) (2001)


Feniks (1995)


Volya K Zhizni (Will for Life) (1998)