Álbum: Stronger than Evil
Ano: 1983
País: Suécia
Estilo: Heavy Power Metal
Ragne Wahlquist and Styrbjörn Wahlquist are brothers.
After Heavy Sound Records went bankrupt, the Wahlquist brothers formed their own label, Thunderload Records.
The band split-up in 1985. The band briefly regrouped and recorded an album together in 1987, with ex-UFO bassist Paul Gray and guitarist Patrik Karlsson. This album was never released.
After Heavy Sound Records went bankrupt, the Wahlquist brothers formed their own label, Thunderload Records.
The band split-up in 1985. The band briefly regrouped and recorded an album together in 1987, with ex-UFO bassist Paul Gray and guitarist Patrik Karlsson. This album was never released.

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